Westgate Design|Works is an architectural design firm located in Bellingham, Washington. We work closely with our clients to develop plans for custom homes, including new construction and remodel/additions. Our work is guided by a philosophy of whole-system-design, in which we strive to develop creative solutions that harmonize aesthetics, performance, budget, and lifestyle. A successful construction project is an integrated process of creativity and technicality. We're here to help you navigate that path, and hopefully have fun along the way.

The creation of a beautiful home is a blend of art and science. Every client has unique needs and desires, and every site has intrinsic characteristics that the building must respond to. From our first concepts sketched on paper, to photorealistic digital fly-throughs, to the finished structure, we approach every step of the process with mindfulness and attention to quality. We're committed to the craft of making homes that feel good, look great, and operate well.

design technology
We’re constantly evolving our workflow to utilize the incredible advances available in modern architectural software. Using drone photography and real-time photorealistic rendering engines, we provide clients with the ability to understand their finished living space with unparalleled clarity. Custom lighting, finish materials, and true exterior views allow you to virtually stand inside your home before construction has begun, and make decisions with confidence.

environmental performance
We’ve been studying and implementing sustainable design principles for over 20 years, and aim to bring this perspective to every project that we work on. We hold certificates in Net-Zero Energy Home Design and Permaculture Design, and we strive to approach the design process from a whole-system perspective. How can we optimize building orientation, window type and location, and insulation strategies in order to cost-effectively downsize the heating/cooling system? What materials are locally available that characterize our regional aesthetic, and minimize embodied energy? There can be dozens or hundreds of these decisions to answer throughout a building project, and we’re here to help guide the way with broad perspective and an ethic of environmental responsibility.